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- Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 377
- Thursday, March 14th 1991
- Today's Topics:
- Re: Statements of accepta
- Re: File disclaimers
- Re: Old writers
- Re: Lazar end.
- (none)
- RE: Paranet Newsletter 376
- (none)
- Incinerated Village
- Interview
- Re: Resonant Gravity Coils
- Gravitational Magnetism
- Relativity Woes
- SS433
- arui
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Statements of accepta
- Date: 10 Mar 91 09:57:42 GMT
- JT> Oh. I thought that since _you_ made the claim that Klass,
- JT> Sheaffer and Oberg _actually had made_ definitive statements,
- JT> that you also had some _evidence or ready information_ on
- JT> which to base that claim. Sorry, _my mistake_. (I will,
- JT> however, bear this in mind in evaluating your other claims.)
- Your mistaken assumption is that I posted the reference (to Jim
- Speiser, not to you) with the aim of convincing you. People who
- have a long history of going around posing insinuative rhetorical
- questions, replete with highly selective and distortive exceprts
- from my postings elsewhere just aren't high up on my
- to-be-persuaded list. Jim, on the other hand, very likely has
- already seen the aforementioned statements -- he's a broad and
- active reader -- and my intent was just to remind him.
- However, I was nonetheless quite glad to refer you to the best
- possible sources for the answers to your questions. You're
- welcome, I think.
- JT> I will indeed try to contact the three above individuals.
- I doubt you'll find that there's much percentage in it. Not many
- facile opportunities for cheap shots are likely to result, and
- you might have to expend a little effort along the way.
- Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: File disclaimers
- Date: 10 Mar 91 09:57:46 GMT
- JT> Maybe I wasn't sufficiently clear. I asked what _you_
- JT> meant by "of their kind", information which, at least
- JT> according to my way of thinking, cannot be found in the
- JT> original source material.
- I referred to the "kind" to which the original poster, to whom I
- was responding in ASK_UFO, had for his own reasons consigned
- them. Had you included a modicum of the context of the
- discussion, that would have been clear. The point of my
- partially-quoted posting, the point that you carefully snipped
- out, was to state my opinion that the other fellow's highly
- unfavourable view about Cooper's material was not a good reason
- to delete it from one's board, and that _if_ one held such a view
- -- -=which I do not=- -- that there are always less radical
- options than deletion.
- For some reason, you saw fit to completely cut out this opinion
- of mine, the entire reason for -- and point of -- my message.
- RM> I fully disagree. Sysops have no obligation to justify or
- RM> explain their placement of download files on their own systems.
- RM> If I were moved to post such an explanation, it would be as
- RM> follows: "Because I damned well felt like it." That should
- RM> more than cover it.
- JT> I suppose that this depends on what the sysop decides to
- JT> be his "obligation". If one's desire is to present a rational,
- JT> objective, and comprehensive overview of a subject, then it is
- JT> imperative that rational, objective, and comprehensive
- JT> criteria for data presented be made available. If, on the
- JT> other hand, one chooses to ignore this obligation and run the
- JT> risk (or at least arouse the suspicion) of presenting
- JT> half-truths, faulty lines of reasoning, and
- JT> conclusions-by-decree, then "because I damned well felt like
- JT> it" will indeed suffice.
- If you want to go around and sermonise to some flock of sysops
- concerning their download areas, be my guest, but please forgive
- my absenting myself from your denomination. I get tired of
- cranls trying to tell sysops what to do with their own property,
- and have low tolerance.
- In point of fact, in any event, I was trying to suggest (to the
- other fellow) some less drastic alternatives to his proposal to
- delete the Cooper files. By contrast, on my own board, I don't
- post disclaimers, nor do I delete text files, nor have I ever
- considered doing so. I maintain this wide-open policy on
- my BBS for what I regard as an eminently good reason: Yep,
- because I damned well feel like it.
- Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Old writers
- Date: 10 Mar 91 09:57:56 GMT
- JT> (On second thought, it doesn't sound OK. I don't think you
- JT> can lead anyone to enlightenment without making him or her
- JT> think!)
- Ah, but some people, after being led to enlightenment, still
- don't know where they are.
- Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Lazar end.
- Date: 10 Mar 91 09:58:08 GMT
- CM> Hi Don. While you're checking on the W-2, why not spend a
- CM> couple of dimes checking out Rick Moen?
- CM> I mean, do any of us REALLY know if HE exists? A committee of
- CM> hydrophobic Mensa misfits could be writing this stuff, you know.
- Ha, found out at last. ;-) Let me just wipe that foam off
- my mouth....
- Best Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: ecn.purdue.edu!lush
- Subject: (none)
- Date: 12 Mar 91 20:19:57 GMT
- From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
- There were a couple inappropriate criticisms of the
- America West Publications catalog which I feel the need to address.
- From: K_MACARTHUR@unhh.unh.edu (Korac MacArthur)
- Korac and others after him referred to the Phoenix Journals as 'anti-semitic.'
- This is an often-used term and just as often misused term. Let's start
- with some definitions.
- (Webster's 7th Collegiate Dictionary, Copyright (C) 1963 by Merriam-Webster,
- Inc. No part of this information may be copied or reprinted without the
- express written consent of the publisher.)
- Sem.ite \'sem-.i-t\ n [F se`mite, fr. Sem Shem, fr. LL, fr. Gk Se-m, fr.
- Heb. (XShe-m 1: a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem 2: a
- member of any of a group of peoples of southwestern Asia chiefly
- represented now by the Jews and Arabs but in ancient times also by the
- Babylonians, Assyrians, Aramaeans, Canaanites, and Phoenicians
- Note that to be a Semite is not to be Jewish, but to be a descenedent
- of Shem, the eldest son of Noah. Thus, many Arabs and Jews have common
- blood in them so one should not equate 'anti-semitism' with dislike of Jews.
- Next:
- Zi.on \'zi--*n\ n [Zion, citadel in Palestine which was the nucleus of
- Jerusalem, fr. ME XSion, fr. OE, fr. LL, fr. Heb Ssub-dot>i-yo-n 1a: the
- Jewish people : ISRAEL 1b: the Jewish homeland that is symbolic of Judaism
- or of Jewish national aspiration 1c: the ideal nation or society envisaged
- by Judaism 2: HEAVEN 3: UTOPIA
- Zi.on.ism \'zi--*-.niz-*m\ \-n*st\ \.zi--*-'nis-tik\ n : a theory, plan, or
- movement for setting up a Jewish national or religious community in
- Palestine - Zi.on.ist ajor ;n
- It is important to understand that the current leadership of the nation Israel
- is made up mostly of Zionists. Further, these Zionists are not Semites.
- Arthur Koestler has written a book called 'The Thirteenth Tribe', which
- is a reference to the twelve tribes of israel. (I did not capitalize israel
- there because 'Israel' in the Old Testament refers to ones who are "Chosen
- of God', not to the nation of Israel.) In this book Koestler describes a
- people with a mixture of Finn, Turk, and Mongol descent called the
- Khazars who in the 3rd-10th century ruled the region where the Volga enters
- the Caspian Sea (there is region called Kazakstan there now). They were
- with Attila, the Hun, originally. The Khazars were one of three powerful
- empires; the others officially claimed the Muslim and Christian religions,
- respectively, as their national religion.
- Under pressure to adopt a state religion and
- in order to not antagonize the other two powers, the Khazars decided to
- officially adopt Judaism as their official religion. The Khazars were
- eventually defeated by the Rus (Russians) and were scattered, most
- migrating west to what is now Eastern Europe. Koestler proves through
- population studies and biological studies that the present leadership
- of Israel is made up of people of Khazar descent. Thus, if one is
- critical of Israeli leadership, one is not anti-Semitic, but simply
- critical of Israeli leadership. If one hates Jews and Arabs descendended
- from Shem in general without regard to individuals, one is anti-semitic.
- Further, if the Phoenix Journals were critical of Zionists just because
- they are Zionists, that would be as equally inappropriate as being
- anti-Semitic would be. However, the Phoenix Journals are critical
- of people who are, in Hatonn's opinion (backed up by verifiable information),
- working toward control/slavery of other peoples. If true, this leaves
- the Planners open to criticism.
- Now it seems as though I'm going to a lot of trouble to worry about
- semantics and definitions. However, whenever the many writers/researchers
- try to outline the incredible world influence of the Zionists,
- they are immediately called anti-Semitic. It is a reflex reaction, and it
- is incorrect. This is one thing that the many writers/researchers typically
- point to as a manifestation of this Zionist influence, but not proof of it.
- An example is our former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff George Brown,
- who was Chief during the end of the Ford presidency. He warned law students
- at a talk at Duke University of the serious danger to America that unlimited
- support of Israel entails. He called Israel and her armed forces
- 'a burden' to the United States. For these types of comments based on his
- obviously well-informed opinion, General Brown was immediately labeled
- anti-Semitic and forced to apologize to the President. Editorials across the
- nation demanded General Brown's resignation because of these
- and similar statements.
- The Phoenix Journals discuss plans for a world takeover which are in
- place and operating now. They identify many of the 'players' as
- being these Khazar/Zionists. They do not criticize Jews and they do
- not say that all Zionists are actively participating. Within the
- writings they continually distinguish between Zionists and Jews and even
- feel that the true Jews will suffer the most from Zionist plans.
- To call the Phoenix Journals or the authors thereof anti-Semitic is
- simply wrong.
- The same can be said of the charge of 'Gay-bashing' which was made through
- the appearance of similarities to Lyndon LaRouche's ideals. The Phoenix
- Journals do talk about gays. Hatonn says over and over that he has no
- opinion on a person choosing one of the same gender to love and share a
- life with. Never are the writings critical of an individual in any manner
- solely because that person is gay. Criticism in the Phoenix Journals is
- earned the same way praise is earned--by ones works.
- He is critical of the acts of intercourse of gays just as
- he is critical of the preoccupation with sex by heterosexuals. He says
- it is damaging to the person because in excess it creates imbalance, just
- as eating too much of something or too little of something else creates
- imbalance in the physical body. Any imbalance in your body makes it
- weaker and thus less able to fight intrusions/disease.
- Finally, in the time that I have been reading the Journals, I have been exposed
- to many New Age books. I now understand why many have quickly associated
- these works with the New Age books you have seen. I can only tell you that
- these are different. I'm sure that you feel that this is the same
- garbage, but it would cost a lot money for you to probe it to yourself
- and I don't sense that you feel the odds are very good that you will
- be convinced. I will cease in spouting about them, and I hope that
- you will keep the address in case something should convince you that
- they might have some merit.
- This is not the forum for much of what I have written in this post, but
- I didn't feel that I could leave those charges without addressing them.
- Greg Lush
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: boulder!uunet.UU.NET!verifone!verifone.com!ed_l1
- Subject: RE: Paranet Newsletter 376
- Date: 13 Mar 91 02:19:58 GMT
- From: 'Ed L'Esperance - TechPubs HNL - (808) 625-3160' <verifone.com!ed_l1>
- With reference to the 'red lights.'
- I recall in my boyhood in Greenwich, Connecticut, my friends and I
- used to sneak out to the beach late at night and watch the sky.
- Several evenings in late summer we observed pairs of red lights, and
- an occassional single, moving across our area. They seemed to at
- first move slowly, then as they got farther away they moved faster and
- faster till they disappeared out over Long Island Sound.
- Of course, they turned out to be temperature-inversion reflections
- of auto taillights in this case, on a nearby one-way street.
- Other lights I have seen in the sky aren't so easy to explain: like
- the 'satellite' we were once watching that changed course by about 45
- degrees. But who knows? We always must consider the mundane
- explanations alongside the speculative.
- Ed_L1@VeriFone.Com :: UUCP%'ED_L1@VeriFone.Com'
- Ed L'Esperance
- 'What we say is less important than what we communicate.'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: (none)
- Date: 13 Mar 91 03:20:00 GMT
- > From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
- > Finally, in the time that I have been reading the Journals, I have been
- > exposed
- > to many New Age books. I now understand why many have quickly
- > associated
- > these works with the New Age books you have seen. I can only tell you
- > that
- > these are different. I'm sure that you feel that this is the same
- > garbage, but it would cost a lot money for you to probe it to yourself
- > and I don't sense that you feel the odds are very good that you will
- > be convinced. I will cease in spouting about them, and I hope that
- > you will keep the address in case something should convince you that
- > they might have some merit.
- >
- > This is not the forum for much of what I have written in this post, but
- > I didn't feel that I could leave those charges without addressing them.
- Thank you for posting your article. Regarding your above statement, I wish to
- say that it is quite the contrary. This is the forum to address these issues
- and any other issues that anyone cares to in a responsible manner - no ad
- hominum attacks. I appreciate your desire to bring this forth and generate
- discussion designed to promote discovery and understanding about all aspects
- that make up the paranormal phenomenon.
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Incinerated Village
- Date: 13 Mar 91 07:23:00 GMT
- To: astro.dnet.ge.com!CARR
- Hi Paul.
- > It seems to me that the Kirimukuyu incident could be explained
- > by your usual bloodthirsty types dropping Napalm from planes
- > or
- > choppers. Africa has had its share of this sort of thing.
- > Did
- > I miss something?
- Kenya was quite peaceful in 1952. Frankly, if I were to suspect a
- human agency (which I really don't) I'd suspect the witnesses. A
- feud with the village, maybe over the marriage taking place. A
- raid, a massacre, a big fire to cover up the evidence. According
- to Jacques Vallee, the reports of lights & beams in the sky came
- from several neighboring villages, however. The mystery has never
- been solved.
- > As to the disappearance of the British regiment, I would like
- > to offer one > possible explanation ... Their commander tried to take
- > advantage of the fog bank to try and go around behind his objective.
- > They got lost, got behind enemy lines, and were wiped out.
- Interesting, but the regiments on either side would have
- encountered them had they demarched. Also, if the regiment mixed
- it up with the Turks and got wiped out, it's news to the Turks...
- > The British suffered immense casualties in that campaign, and
- > not every single man killed could be accounted for. Does that hold
- > water?
- Well, the Gallipoli/Dardanelles campaign was an unqualified
- disaster. Along with the Anzio landing and the Italian Campaign,
- it was an amazingly stupid idea, even for Winston Churchill.
- Looking for the "soft underbelly" of the Turks in Gallipoli (or the
- Axis in the Italian Alps) was really absurd. (T.E. Lawrence found
- EXACTLY where it was two years later, though).
- But that's one of the reasons that the disappearance was so
- strange. It would have been highly unusual for the commander to
- divert the regiment from its planned line of march. It might have
- been a good idea, but BEF commanders had good ideas whipped out of
- them before Gen. Allenby came along in 1917.
- Plus the narrow beaches of Anatolia and Gallipoli are surmounted by
- rugged, rocky cliffs and hills that force attackers to be good rock
- climbers and then be stupid enough to march inland through narrow
- defiles. It's a defender's dream and the allies knew it. The
- Allies had much better success on the Western Front (where they
- could actually gain 500 yards or more for 10,000 lives!) than they
- did in the Dardanelles. They never got more than 5 miles inland in
- Turkey.
- So the Brits couldn't have found themselves behind the Turks
- without running into a bunch of dug-in, tenacious defenders first.
- And even a determined assault wouldn't have resulted in 100%
- casualties -- even if it came close (the Canadian Corp in Ypres
- suffered over 60% casualties and up to 95% in some regiments) there
- would have been survivors/prisoners.
- No, it's really strange. Nothing is observed and dissected more
- methodically than a battle. And the pointless slaughter of
- 100,000 men in the course of the Gallipoli fiasco was watched VERY
- closely -- so that EVERYTHING could be hushed up. But for all
- that, the regiment vanished completely. Weird, or what?
- Best,
- Clark
- PS -- Sorry if I ran on, but my special interest for many years was
- WWI. Hmmmm. Maybe they became prisoners of the infamous German
- cruiser Goeben?
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Sulik@p0.f80.n120.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Sulik)
- Subject: Interview
- Date: 13 Mar 91 06:46:23 GMT
- Hello All! I am doing a research paper on UFOs and am required to do
- an interview. Any one interested please contact me via email.
- --
- John Sulik - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Sulik@p0.f80.n120.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@p4.f0.n9.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Re: Resonant Gravity Coils
- Date: 10 Mar 91 20:56:00 GMT
- > electromagnet with hollow tubular windings that are made
- > from a
- > heat-proof ceramic material,' with the windings filled
- > with a molten
- > metal.
- Hi Roger. Actually, Behrent's idea is not a new one. However, using molten
- metal as a dielectric would be self-defeating.
- Possibly it is a coolant. This is really conventional technology, these
- days. The Russians use molten sodium for reactor cooling in many of their
- sub-based, ship-based and spacecraft reactors.
- Interestingly, the Russians have many embarassing experiences very similar
- to "metal-ejecting UFO" sitings. When an overload condition develops, it is
- necessary to vent -- dump, squirt -- the overheated sodium into the
- environment. It's messy, dangerous and highly radioactive.
- Of course, the magnesium Behrent studied was completely un-radioactive and
- extraordinarily pure. But recall that it was burning as it fell and as it
- floated on the water, so it must have been superheated. Of course,
- Magnesium burns hot enough that water can not extinguish it -- it simply
- breaks up the water molecules and uses their oxygen to keep on burning.
- Liquid sodium accidents, I imagine, smell like a huge radioactive rotten
- egg. They also probably kill anyone who can smell them, eventually.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p4.f0.n9.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Gravitational Magnetism
- Date: 13 Mar 91 06:54:00 GMT
- TO: violet.berkeley.edu!chalmers
- Hello John. Long time no type!
- > Robert Forward, a physicist specializing
- > in gravitational theory and 'hard SF' writer (Dragon's Egg and
- > sequel), has described an antigravity device consisting of a
- > toroidal coil with an ID of about 100 meters. If the mass
- > of a neutron star were to flow through the windings of the
- > coil every millisecond, the magnetic analog of the
- > gravitational
- > field ('protational' or gravitational magnetic field) would
- > neutralize
- > gravity in the center of the coil.
- Whoa!!! How do I fit a neutron star in my garage?!
- Seriously, this experiment sounds over-the-top, except perhaps as a
- thought experiment. I'm reminded of Charlie Chaplin's "globe dance"
- in The Great Dictator, however...
- I wonder, what does Robert Forward conceive gravity to be? Does he
- think it's an elemental physical force? If so, better get a bigger
- garage and a bigger framed portrait of Einstein.
- Or would he entertain the notion that gravity is a resultant of
- other forces? In which case size (100 meters, neutron star, etc.)
- might be completely irrelevant. And a small bust of Neils Bohr or
- Schroedinger or Herzfeld might do.
- It might be interesting to consider gravity as the resultant of mass
- and time.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu!jrblack
- Subject: Relativity Woes
- Date: 14 Mar 91 14:27:17 GMT
- From: James Roger Black <jrblack@shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu>
- General Relativity, Einstein's magnum opus, may be in trouble, according
- to the latest issue of Science News (9 March 91, p. 148).
- In a supercomputer simulation conducted by Stuart L. Shapiro and Saul A.
- Teukolsky of Cornell University, the gravitational collapse of large,
- nonspherical particle clouds in space resulted in the the formation of
- what are known as 'naked singularities'--points of infinite mass and
- density without a surrounding black hole to insulate them from the outside
- universe. This violates the 'cosmic censorship' rule which states that
- naked singularities cannot exist in the real world.
- This represents a potential disaster for general relativity, according
- to Shapiro, because it results in a situation in which relativity theory
- fails to model the physical world.
- 'If cosmic censorship really goes out the window ... then one would need
- to revise the mathematical equations for relativistic gravity,' Shapiro
- says.
- For further information, see Shapiro and Teukolsky's article in the
- 25 February 91 issue of Physical Review Letters.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu!jrblack
- Subject: SS433
- Date: 14 Mar 91 14:28:01 GMT
- From: James Roger Black <jrblack@shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu>
- There has been some discussion here of SS433, a rather bizarre
- astronomical object which has been dubbed 'the star that's both coming
- and going'.
- SS-433 was discovered (more or less) in 1978. It has a strange
- spectrum which changes dramatically from one day to the next; part of
- it is blue-shifted (i.e., coming toward us), part of it is red-shifted
- (i.e., going away from us) and part of it is standing still. Even
- worse, it appears that the parts that were going away change direction
- after a time and start heading toward us, while the parts that were
- coming toward us start going away.
- The most likely model is a binary star system in which electromagnetic
- interactions between the two stars cause gigantic jets of hot gas to be
- ripped away from one of the stars and hurled off into interstellar
- space at tremendous speed. The jets are going in opposite directions
- (hence the simultaneous red and blue shifts); and because the stars are
- revolving around a common center of gravity, they gradually exchange
- positions relative to earth over time. It's sort of like a cosmic
- water sprinkler.
- Scientific American had a long, detailed article on SS433 in its
- October 1980 issue; other articles were published in Sky and Telescope
- (8/81), Science News (24 January 81 and 11 July 81), and Industrial
- Research (6/80). Omni had a one-page summary and update in September
- 1986 (p. 30).
- Claims have been made that there's more to this than the official line
- indicates. If anybody has the details, I'd like to hear more about it,
- including some published sources if possible.
- --
- Roger Black, University of Iowa, Iowa City
- INTERNET: jrblack@shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: afglsc.span.nasa.gov!webb
- Subject: arui
- Date: 14 Mar 91 16:25:21 GMT
- From: webb@afglsc.span.nasa.gov
- I can address two of Mike Corbin's questions regarding astronomical items.
- 1) SS433 is a peculiar star system in which one object possesses twin
- rotating radiating light beams similar to a pulsar. The system is now
- relatively well understood and would NOT be a good place for life, so as
- far as I know it has no bearing on UFOs.
- 2) Halley's comet: The light outburst from Halley so far from the sun is
- unusual. Brian Marsden is a recognized comet expert and if he says it is
- hard to explain I believe him. Most comet activity occurs when the comet is
- close to the sun, whose radiation causes the comet to outgas from its icy
- and dirty core.
- With regard to the solar flare postings, what does this have to do with
- UFOs? Periodic energetic flare outbursts are not uncommon, especially at
- this phase of the solar cycle. Maybe you were worried about possible
- outages of Paranet communications.
- On a separate matter, I was intrigued by Roger Black's reference in
- Vallee's book 'Confrontations' to Behrendt's paper. What the hey is "Annals
- of Ufological Research Advances' ?!! Has anyone ever heard of this obscure
- publication? Is it an English-language periodical?
- Dave Webb
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- ADMIN Address infopara-request@scicom.alphacdc.com
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- ******************The**End**of**Info-ParaNet**Newsletter************************